Fan Channel
Step into the world of Olympia for FREE and watch legends walk among mortals! Hear predictions and witness rivalries at the Athlete Press Conference, see the stars of fitness up close at Meet the Olympians more!
The Free FAN CHANNEL includes LIVE stream coverage of:
• Olympia Press Conference on Thursday
• Meet the Olympians event on Thursday
• Olympia World Fitness Festival (Expo) – Two days of coverage on Friday and Saturday where athletes, celebrities, and fitness industry pros mingle with fans.
• As well as coverage and features from past OIympia competitions!
Olympia Classic: Ronnie Coleman 2003
See "The King" Ronnie Coleman at the height of his mighty reign! No one has beat his record 8 Olympia wins, and his massive physique still inspires–and intimidates–to this day.
The Olympia Divisions
There's more to the Olympia Weekend than the Mr. Olympia contest. Learn about the nine different men's and women's divisions, and meet some of the champions.